Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Dutch Baby Pancakes

This are very delicious pancakes that I think would be great for breakfast.

2 large eggs
1/2 cup of flour bland
1/2 cup of milk
pinch of salt
4 tablespoons of butter
fresh lemon wedges
confectioner sugar


Place a 10 inch skillet in the oven. Preheat it to 450 degrees.
With a hand held mixer whip the eggs, flour blend, milk and salt together at all once starting on low until the ingredients are combined. And then increase the speed to high for 30 seconds. Take the hot skillet out of the oven and put the butter in it. Let the butter melt, then pour the batter into the pan. Put the skillet back in the oven with the pancake mix for 12-15 min. To serve cut the pancake in half, squeeze a bit of lemon juice on top if you want to, and dust confection sugar onto the pancake. It serves 2.